
Search results

  1. 4-H: Preparing Youth for a Brighter Future

    program, I highly invite you to continue reading this article about a program that has a long history that ... motivation and aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels ...

  2. Besancon to complete internship with FLM+

    Norwayne High School. The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares students to plan, ...

  3. Scholarship Golf Outing Set for July 22

    between attending and not attending college." The ATI Scholarship Cup is a four-person scramble with ...

  4. Improved Information in Support of a National Strategy for Open Land Policies: A Review of Literature and Report on Research in Progress

    the past 50 years. Technological advances have made large corporate farms much more competitive than ...

  5. Rural-Urban Issues and Research Needs

    People at the interface between rural and urban places are increasingly at odds over how resources ...

  6. Speakers and Panelists

    University of Groningen Endowed Chair of Economic Geography. He is one of the world’s most highly cited and ... awarded the ERSA 50th Anniversary Award for outstanding research at the European Regional Science ... include: examination of the interaction between trade and environmental policies, analysis of the effects ...

  7. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...

  8. Ohio State ATI launches program in bioenergy and biological waste management

    students for high-demand careers such as wastewater and drinking water treatment plant operators. Recently, ...

  9. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    Wednesday 19 th September 2012 09.30-10.50- Welcome to UCD Biosystems            Francis Butler (University ... of College Dublin) 10.50-11.15- Break 11.15-12.30- Tour UCD Biosystems/UCD 12.30-13.30- Lunch ...

  10. About Maple

    When the sugar is concentrated to between 66% Brix to 68.9% Brix it is maple syrup. Nothing is added to ...
