
Search results

  1. OSU Extension Stark County Plant Expo- Canton, Ohio

    Support Stark County Master Gardeners and learn about pollinators and growing bigger vegetables at the Plant Expo. ...

  2. Stone Lab Guest Lecture- Put-in-Bay, Ohio and Online

    This evening features a presentation on the visual ecology of Lake Erie fishes and a lecture from Dr. Stephen Spear, Executive Director of The Wilds. ...

  3. Stone Lab Guest Lecture- Put-In-Bay, Ohio and Online

    Jason Cervenec and Dr. Randy Moses will present at this education evening. ...

  4. Amanda Weinstein Awarded the M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition Award at the 44th Annual Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Conference

    urban areas at the local, state, and national levels. MCRSA is one of five regional science associations ...

  5. EPN Breakfast Series- Road Trip!- Mechanicsburg, Ohio

    The leading topics for this program are to learn and share about the efforts by  In Good Taste Catering, The Hive,  and  Hemisphere Coffee Roasters  (each based in Mechanicsburg, Ohio) to: -Promote stewardship for the betterment of people, profit and plan ...

  6. A Day in the Woods: Breeding Birds- McArthur, Ohio

    Start the day exploring the Vinton Furnace for songbirds. Learn about identifying birds by song, breeding bird ecology and the important role breeding birds play. Registration is $12.  Contact Dave Apsley for more info at ...

  7. Mother's Day Hanging Basket Sale- Wooster, Ohio

    Looking got a great Mother's Day gift? Beautiful hanging baskets from Ohio State ATI's greenhouse and Nursery Management program will be on sale on Thursday, May 10, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also for sale will be bedding plants, vegetable plants, peren ...

  8. Timothy Ursich- Agricultural Engineering Student

    between the mountains.  I have also had the opportunity to operate some heavy machinery, including a CAT ...

  9. Long-term Global Agricultural Output Supply-Demand Balance and Real Farm and Food Prices

    cropland removed from production by urban and industrial development, soil degradation, and the like. ...

  10. Educational Forum: Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate- Columbus, Ohio

    The Ohio State University and the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission are joining to host a dialog on “Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate.” Experts from Ohio State, MORPC, and central Ohio communities will present the challenges facing ...
