
Search results

  1. Estimating Corn Grain Yield

    grain fill conditions (resulting in high kernel weights); the method will underestimate grain yields. In ... procedure for at least four additional sites across the field. Given the highly variable conditions present ...

  2. Livestock Building Rental Considerations

    building ownership costs, variable and fixed.  Variable costs are dependent upon building use and the level ... costs of additional wear and tear beyond depreciation.  Fixed costs are incurred regardless of the level ...

  3. Student Team Places 2nd at Regional Associated Schools of Construction Competition

    were a highly motivated and hard-working group of individuals that worked together well,” said Don ...

  4. Ag Tax Issues Webinar

    considered an intermediate level course and focuses on changes in tax laws and common tax issue concerns. ...

  5. OSU Extension to Host Annie’s Project

    operations may sign up for Annie's Project, a multi-part risk-management course offered by Ohio State ... focuses on five broad aspects of risk management typical in the agricultural setting:  human, financial, ...

  6. Livestock Show Updates

    (not 6pm).  We are adding 2 Make-up sheep showmanship classes, at the end of sheep showmanship, between ...

  7. Christine Balk

    students and teachers, volunteer Presentations- Update on Soil borne diseases in Ohio, Conservation Tillage ...

  8. Pease Dissertation Defense

    219 Hi Jim,   I would like to reserve room 219 on Tuesday, April 12 between 9 am and 1 pm for my ...

  9. Implicit Bias

    Implicit Bias External Resources Harvard Project Implicit-take the Implicit Bias Test Article on I mplicit ...

  10. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference

    Precision Seeding and Placement, Advanced Scouting, Cover Crops and Soil Health.  On March 4 the topic ...
