
Search results

  1. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    at the county and state levels in 2017.  New for 2017 Wayne County, 4-H has made some changes to our ...

  2. Winter Teat Care for Dairy Cows

    However in very cold weather, post dipped wet teats run the risk of becoming frozen creating more ...

  3. Setting Goals for 2019

    I had the opportunity between Christmas and New Years to spend some extended time with my college ...

  4. NELD Applications Being Accepted

    learning. Broaden their understanding of Extension on a local, state, national and international level Build ...

  5. Meet Grant McHugh: Volunteering to Build a Better World

    When he was young, construction work was just a mere thought in his mind. It was not until high school ...

  6. 1st Annual Student Wildlife Research Symposium

    wildlife-related research that is taking place in high schools around Ohio in a professional and supportive ...

  7. Quality Assurance Test Out

    You must RSVP to Kevin Harris by Thursday, January 23, 2020 at or 513-887-6650.  The Make-Up date in case of inclement weather will be Monday, February 3, 2020 at 6:30 pm. ...

  8. Steady Goes It on the Ice and Snow

    and manage risk factors can allow older adults the opportunity to live a full and active life free of ... is understandable.  One of the biggest risks from wintry weather is falling, particularly among older ... safer for you when conditions are bad. ·       When in doubt, don't risk it.  Ask for help if you ...

  9. V. Shedekar Exam

    202 Hi Jim, Can you please reserve room 202 between 8 to 12 noon on following dates. I am hoping ...

  10. Sustainability and Resilience Links

    information/access to technologies that  improve lives; low-tech/high-tech projects addressing housing, economics, ...
