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  1. Pumpkins Are Stars of the Autumn Show; Here's What You Can Do With Them

    found just the right pumpkin, take it home and store it in a cool place (50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit) ...

  2. Early Season Forage Considerations

    soil phosphorus level should be at 25 ppm or higher (Bray P1 extractant).  Soil potassium should be in ... soil temperatures.  The third week in February we had 50 degree plus soil temperatures at a 2 inch ... down to the soil surface.  For this to happen you have to be able to see bare soil when you look down ...

  3. National Relaxation Day Provides A Healthy List Of Reasons To Relax

    practice. * Relaxation also lowers a risk of a stroke, which is really an attack on our brain. Deep ... Additional other health reasons include, reducing your risk of breast cancer and your recovery time if you ... have breast cancer and decreasing the feelings of depression.  Levels of cortisol increase when we are ...

  4. Conservation drainage – a showcase at the Ohio State Lima regenerative agriculture farm

    the main purpose of drainage was to get rid of excess water from soils, today’s farmers need to ... of Land Improvement Contractors of America (OLICA) and their industry partners, and the Allen Soil ... and learning, and community engagement and is a great marriage between ecosystem and humans working ...

  5. Garden Tip and Tricks So In-Soil and Raised Beds Get A Good Start

    plants grow the best between 4.5 to 8.0. Soil pH is important because how acidic or alkaline the soil is ... plastic on the ground and plant your plants through it just as long as they are planted into the soil. If ... you don't have healthy soil, try raised beds Raised beds are another alternative if you do not an ...

  6. Corn Ear Rots

    level is 10 ppm and not to exceed 50% of the diet and for dairy cattle dietary levels of 300 to 500 ppb ... sensitive to vomitoxin. Therefore the FDA advisory level for vomitoxin in corn to be fed to hogs is 5 ppm ... newsletter on ear rot identification, quantification and testing for mycotoxins.  I will provide an excerpt ...

  7. Evaluate Alfalfa Stands for Winter Injury

    hardiness and disease resistance. Maintaining soil fertility levels.  Potassium in particular is associated ... prolonged exposure to these and lower temperatures can kill the plant.  Generally, the soil temperature at ... least one site for every 5-10 acres, and like soil sampling, more random sampling is better.  In ...

  8. Partners gather for Trimble Technologies Lab ribbon cutting

    such as machine guidance control and steering in the classroom, as well as field leveling and water ...

  9. Soil & Manure

    soils as a growing medium Click here to learn more ... Soil health is of key importance to agricultural systems. FABE Extenstion educators specialize in ... techniques such as no-till, composting, and manure management to ensure that soil on Ohio farms provides the ...

  10. Partners Gather to Kickoff Pilot Watershed Project

    quality changes in a productive agricultural watershed. The project will evaluate soil health, nutrient ... Bowling Green State University will lead research to examine soil health in the watershed and identify ... project.  Doug Deardorff,  resource conservationist with Hardin Soil and Water Conversation District serves ...
