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AgrAbility in Action: Working in Cold Weather
boots can restrict the blood flow to the feet and increase the risk of a cold injury. Take short ...
Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Rolling Lift Carts
back-straining lifting is a rolling lift cart. Rolling lift carts reduce the risk of injury from lifting and ... risk of injury from lifting, lowering or carrying objects, and minimizes the chances of dropping heavy ... and education to all farmers on how to reduce the risks of injury and introduce modifications and ...
Warning Labels and Equipment Manuals can Help Reduce Injuries
exposed equipment component that rotates at high speed or with a high degree of torque. Injuries occur ... towards a stationary object creating a blunt impact. This can include being caught under or between moving ...
Caught-in or Caught-between Objects
the wrong place at the wrong time, and in a situation to be caught-in or caught-between objects, which ... can lead to serious injuries. Caught-in or between incidents can occur from some of the following ... environment Some guidelines to use to prevent caught-in or caught-between incidents should include:- Always ...
Chimney Fires Can Be Prevented
in a wood-burning fireplace, sparks could escape between the fissures and set fire to your house. If ... cleaning. Some contractors may even have high-tech equipment, such as camera systems, to get in every nook ... and cranny of the unit; or, they may perform a smoke test (closing off the openings and filling the ...
A. Moore
enCORE house on Monday (Nov 5 between 10-12:00). I’m copying her here so that she can provide further ...
2017 4-H Updates
Over 150 4-H Youth participated in the 159 th Lucas County Fair in projects ranging from Livestock to ...
Minimize Risk of Injuries in Winter Working Conditions
winter conditions are at a higher risk of a variety of injuries including: frostbite, overexertion, ... muscle strain, slips trips and falls, or heart attack. Some simple guidelines for reducing the risk of ... walking. This can reduce the risk of you falling or completely losing your balance in case you slip while ...
Darren Drewry
application of detailed simulation models of the coupled atmosphere-vegetation-soil system, the use of remote ...
COSI Farm Days, August 9 – 13
local farmers and climb aboard tractors and even a combine. You can also test your driving skills on ...