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the AWARES LC meetings? We will need the rooms between 6pm and 8pm on the following dates: Jan 22, 23, ...
the AWARES LC meetings? We will need the rooms between 6pm and 8pm on the following dates: Jan 22, 23, ...
Weather Safety Awareness
Week, March 18-24 Statewide Tornado Drill, Wednesday, March 21 at 9:50 am For more information: ...
Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs
workforce age, competency level and certain regulation practices. We look forward to scheduling in your area ... and Agritourism Operation ATVs and UTVs – training program for all ages and skill level Electrical ...
Hazardous Chemical Awareness
release can mean the difference between a minor incident and a tragic event. Should an individual discover ... Propeller Corrosives White/Black Test Tube It is always best to be cautious and treat potential releases ...
Puskas Named Inaugural CFAES Distinguished Professor
grant support and high-quality graduate students and post-doctoral scholars to her research program. She ...
AgrAbility in Action: Working in Cold Weather
boots can restrict the blood flow to the feet and increase the risk of a cold injury. Take short ...
Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Rolling Lift Carts
back-straining lifting is a rolling lift cart. Rolling lift carts reduce the risk of injury from lifting and ... risk of injury from lifting, lowering or carrying objects, and minimizes the chances of dropping heavy ... and education to all farmers on how to reduce the risks of injury and introduce modifications and ...
Warning Labels and Equipment Manuals can Help Reduce Injuries
exposed equipment component that rotates at high speed or with a high degree of torque. Injuries occur ... towards a stationary object creating a blunt impact. This can include being caught under or between moving ...
Caught-in or Caught-between Objects
the wrong place at the wrong time, and in a situation to be caught-in or caught-between objects, which ... can lead to serious injuries. Caught-in or between incidents can occur from some of the following ... environment Some guidelines to use to prevent caught-in or caught-between incidents should include:- Always ...