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  1. New book release: Cover Crops and Sustainable Agriculture

    how cover crops should look in the field. Long-term benefits are described for soil health, water ... quality, nutrient contributions, soil biodiversity, air quality, and climate change. In addition to the ...

  2. 2021 Cybersecurity Days will be held on Oct. 6 and Oct. 13

    conference. Sessions are offered for all skill levels, because cybersecurity awareness happens wherever humans ...

  3. What’s next for Grace Cornell – HCS Class of 2022

    interest in HCS started my junior year of high school when I took a 4-H gardening project. I enjoyed ...

  4. Nutrient Management Plan Development Workshop

    farm clientele. Nutrient management plans take soil fertility recommendations one step further and ... start to assess the environmental concerns of field sites to nutrient runoff/loss via nutrient indexes ...

  5. Spent foundry sand’s second life: OK to use in some soils

    A study by two OARDC scientists played a key role in a recent public health and environmental risk ... assessment of reusing spent foundry sands, or SFS, in certain soil-related uses. The sands are a byproduct of ... the metal casting industry. Nicholas Basta, professor of soil and environmental science, and Elizabeth ...

  6. WORKDAY TIPS, Training & Resources

    splitting out worktags between different Expense Items, two different cost centers, funds, grants, programs, ...

  7. Ohio 4-H LGBTQ+ Summit

    including post-high school participants, 4-H professionals, parents and volunteers. April 27 registration: ... $50 for adults, $10 for currently enrolled college students. Youth Summit: April 28, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 ... p.m., for youth only (and designated 4-H professionals), including middle school and high school ...

  8. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    tests and tools,” Islam said. “It’s tough. Farmers are businessmen. Some don’t want to take risks.” To ... long-term damage than good. As an Ohio State University soil scientist, Islam is among the disciples in the ... health of the soil and its ability to spur growth and resist erosion. Soil plowed repeatedly can lose key ...

  9. Updated Ground Transportation Log (Monthly Mileage Log) TRAVEL

    It is highly recommended the updated “ CFAES Ground Transportation Log ” be used beginning January 1, ...

  10. Gao: Our research and extension efforts yielded many ‘fruits’ in 2020

    all) were not alive.  Thanks to the quick action of our administration at all levels at The Ohio State ... Turkey variety figs in the field and high tunnel. It is even more fulfilling that some of the growers ... the USDA was also highly successful. Dr. Heping Zhu (USDA, the overall Principle Investigator for the ...
