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  1. Graduate Exit Seminar

    to occur during hypoxia periods. Ammonia in its un-ionized form is highly toxic to fish and causes ...

  2. Ghana Sustainable Change Study Abroad Information Session

    with the community. The program is open to graduate and upper-level undergraduate students from all ...

  3. Environmental Professionals Network- October

    HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PATIENTS: HOSPITALS REDUCE THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 This EPN Breakfast program, in collaboration with the Ohio Hospital Association’s Environmental Leadership Council, Practice Greenhealth and Health ...

  4. Graduate Defense Seminar

    Birds in the Colombian Andes as her ENR Graduate Defense Seminar. In highly deforested regions such as ...

  5. SENR Seminar Series- Rachel Gabor

    Rachel Gabor, SENR Assistant Professor of Watershed Hydrology, will present  Sewersheds and Watersheds: Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Hydrology as Water Quality Controls in Urbanized Mountain Streams  on Thursday, September 6th, 2018 at 4:10P.M. in ...

  6. Graduate Exit Seminar

    proportion, analyzing voting distributions across sub-national units vis-à-vis aggregate level data about ...

  7. EEDS Faculty Leader to Discuss Sustainable Development

    be part of a panel discussion at 3 p.m. in Mershon Auditorium, 1871 N. High St., with Jeffrey D. ...

  8. Alice Snyder

    Alice Snyder ESGP Graduate Student Alice Snyder is an ESGP Graduate Student. Scott Demyan, Advisor.- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  9. Environmental Professionals Network- September 11, 2018

        For the first time in our state’s history the open waters of western Lake Erie have been deemed impaired by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. In a region important to boaters, swimmers and anglers what does this designation mean? What factors ...

  10. Over the River and Through the Woods

    ability to move freely throughout the home without increasing the risk of falls.  Just because you can ...
