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Conference: Integrating Philosophical & Economic Perspectives on Well-Being
foster interdisciplinary understanding and collaboration between philosophers and economists who are ...
Soil carbon sequestration potential of US croplands and grasslands: Implementing the 4 per Thousand Initiative
Chambers, Adam, Rattan Lal and Keith Paustian. 2016. Soil carbon sequestration potential of US ... croplands and grasslands: Implementing the 4 per Thousand Initiative. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation ...
Ohio State Faculty Member Receives Prestigious Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Award for Early-Career Innovation in Soil Health
Congratulations to Steve Culman, assistant professor of soil fertility, The Ohio State University, ... Recognition soil science ...
G. Kaletunc
219 Brandon: Please reserve Room 219 for June 16 between 8:30 and 9:30am. Friday, June 16, 2017- ...
Bioaccessibility tests accurately estimate bioavailability of lead to quail
Sprague and J.S. Weber. 2016. Bioaccessibility tests accurately estimate bioavailability of lead to quail. ...
SENR Professor Directs Collaborative Project Focused on Restoring Fragile Landscapes on the Sahel
Richard Dick, professor of Soil Microbial Ecology directs a $2.6 million National Science ... and have the ability to lift water from wet sub- to dry-surface soil and improve soils. The ... field soil sampling campaigns, hydrological data collection, and soil microbiology lab work. The NSF ...
Taste of OSU
Taste of OSU is an Ohio State signature event that brings together more than 50 student ...
Bat Roost Monitoring Project
conducted between May 29 th and June 23 rd, 2017. The second survey will run between July 10 th and July 31 ...
Which mechanisms drive seasonal rabies outbreaks in raccoons? A test using dynamic social network models
mechanisms drive seasonal rabies outbreaks in raccoons? A test using dynamic social network models. Journal ...
Caring For Your Christmas Cactus
inch or so of soil feels dry to the touch. The length of time between watering will vary with the air ... the soil gets too dry. The plants will wilt when under drought stress. Water thoroughly when the top ... temperature, amount of light, rate of growth and relative humidity. The plants like light humus-rich soil ...