
Search results

  1. Better Process Control School

    received before March 5 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be ...

  2. Steady Goes It on the Ice and Snow

    and manage risk factors can allow older adults the opportunity to live a full and active life free of ... is understandable.  One of the biggest risks from wintry weather is falling, particularly among older ... safer for you when conditions are bad. ·       When in doubt, don't risk it.  Ask for help if you ...

  3. Czech Republic:Study Abroad Info Session

    Union and everything in between.  This program is based at a university near Prague and will give ...

  4. V. Shedekar Exam

    202 Hi Jim, Can you please reserve room 202 between 8 to 12 noon on following dates. I am hoping ...

  5. Tagged to Teach Ag Day

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership will host high school ... students who feel they have been 'tagged' to teach high school agriculture to visit The Ohio ...

  6. Shearer Receives BETHA Grant for Global Sustainable Village

    between science, technology, society, and cultural issues. This year, a record number of 37 proposals were ...

  7. HCS students get a Golden Opportunity

    minor. The American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America and the Soil Science Society ...

  8. Farmer to farmer: Retired Extension educator volunteers in Mozambique

    apartment complex. The university provided transportation between the apartment and the university. There ... 5 percent of the agricultural GNP. The annual per capita income is $885. High soybean yields are over 22 ... bushels per acre. High corn yields are over 80 bushels per acre. Most of the corn and soybeans are raised ...

  9. Watching the Weinland Park transformation from your front porch

    between 35 and 60 percent of the area median income constructed by the NRP Group. After 15 years of living ...

  10. test attach

    test attach ...
