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2014 Ohio Stormwater Conference
$95 Scholarship Registration June 4 th, 2014 – Exams for all EnviroCert Certifications, $50 per person ...
Aquaponics workshop… What a thumbs-up experience!
Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC) program event. This workshop brought together around 50 new and advanced ...
Endeavor Center Achievements
more than 1,300 high-skill, high-wage jobs, adding more than 115 million dollars of direct economic ...
Dr. Ken Lee named 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award
technology transfer or cooperation between scientists or technologists in any two of the following settings: ...
PetPALS Preparing Pets
Objectives: To Help Young People Learn the importance of feeding their pets a high quality diet. ...
OSU Extension Factsheets
at the watershed level to lessen the impact of human activities on Ohio's rivers, lakes, ...
Paint Creek Watershed Project
Creek Watershed Project began in 1994 as a local Soil and Water Conservation District initiative to ...
Team Academic Resources
North Central Risk Management Education Center (pre-proposal mid-Dec, full proposal end of Feb) North ...
The Benefits of 4-H Summer Camp
4-H members and non 4-H members. The cost is $150 for 4-H members and $155 for non 4-H members. The ...
Sustainable aquaponic vegetable and fish co-production in Ohio
systems are maintained at plant and fish population levels recommended for maximum yields. This article ...