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Aquaculture Genetics Laboratory
rooms 115 and 161 in OSU South Center main building. Instrumentation for high throughput sample ... 3130 Genetic Analyzer, GenePix® 4400A High-Resolution Microarray Scanner, ABI 7500 Real time PCR ... Imager system, BioRad C1000 Touch Thermal Cyclers, and PTC-200 DNA engine thermal cyclers, high ...
Minding the Brand: Pre-recorded Adobe Express Training Now Available
contact Marissa Mullett ( ...
Minding the Brand: Contacts and Conversations
Communications liaison between Extension, the college marketing team, and the Ohio State brand center. Moving ... can contact Marissa at any time ( for brand insight, design input, and access to ... unique scenarios and there can be lots of variables to consider. We also are dedicated to clarifying the ...
Hanping Wang, PhD
>150; * indicate student co-author): *Xie, D. K., H. P. Wang, R. Othman, H. Yao, P. O’Bryant, D. J. ... Wang, P. O’Bryant and D. Rapp. 2010. Correlations between Growth Traits and Heterozygosity, Allelic ... 150:2-3. (PDF) Wang, H.P., L. Li, G.K. Wallat, B. Brown, H. Yao, Z. Gao L.G. Tiu, P. O’Bryant, D. Rapp and ...
Gifting to reduce federal estate taxes
help reduce a farm's federal estate tax risk. tax gifting federal estate tax ...
Ohio Chapter of NAE4-HYDP Communicator and Specialty Award Winners Announced
are now being reviewed at the regional level. Congratulations to the following award winners and all ...
Minding the Brand: Upcoming Adobe Express Trainings
Virtual training sessions for Adobe Express will continue into the fall. Mark your calendar to join one of the following sessions. ...
State Tour Recap with President Carter
A few weeks ago, President Walter “Ted” Carter Jr., First Lady Lynda Carter, Dean Kress, and their team embarked on the State Tour, a tradition allowing university presidents to explore different parts of the state. This year, the Office of the President ...
Extension Management Structure Task Force Update
The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet, considering the following guiding question: What would a management structure look like that best supports county operations? ...
Live Healthy Live Well Team Shares Benefits of Sensory Play
Studies show that sensory play can help improve motor skills, enhance language skills, create calming opportunities, and increase social interaction for children. ...