
Search results

  1. Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Manure

    know the manure’s nitrogen content. Most manure tests reveal total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and ... between 30 and 40 pounds of ammonia nitrogen per 1,000 gallons. Finishing buildings with bowl waters and ... drag hoses when topdressing wheat. The concern with manure tankers is soil compaction, especially on ...

  2. Alfalfa Weevil Activity is Beginning to Peak

    days (GDD) and reaches their peak feeding and damage when heat units for the area are between 325 and ... 1 Recheck in a week 9 50 >1 Spray 12 75 >2 Spray 16 100 >4 Harvest early   If alfalfa weevil ... pressure is high in a stand that is still short a pesticide treatment may be warranted. Consult the OSU and ...

  3. Lep Monitoring Network – Black Cutworm and True Armyworm Update # 6

    monitored from after the time corn is planted until it reaches the V6 stage. Counties with high trap numbers ... counties that have had high averages thus far, especially in fields that were previously planted to cover ...

  4. Global Education Human and Animal Interactions Chile Program ...

  5. May 2024 Highlights

    a student(s) with a high caliber of leadership experience in addition to significant research experience and ... instruction, recitation, or discussion sections, or assisting faculty members with high-enrollment courses. ...

  6. Statewide Alfalfa Weevil Population Update #3

    these pests before they can build up to economically damaging levels. The following table indicates the ... a timely first cutting become a more common control method. If harvesting a field with a high alfalfa ...

  7. Plan Now for Fall Fertilization of Perennial Forages

    When soil test P exceeds the agronomic level of 50 PPM, there is increased  potential of P losses into ... For example, many dairies have high levels of soil P, making the expense of fertilizer P unnecessary. ... over-application harms the environment and can harm animals fed those forages. A recent soil test should always ...

  8. Lep Monitoring Network – Black Cutworm and True Armyworm Update # 5

    Counties with high trap numbers should plan to scout for BCW larvae after corn is planted until V6 stage, ... in counties that have had high averages, especially in fields that were previously planted to cover ...

  9. Statewide Slug Monitoring Project – Update #2

    fields are high across the state, the average number of slugs found under the shingle traps across Ohio ...

  10. Lep Monitoring Network – Black Cutworm and True Armyworm Update # 4

    the statewide average for both pests; however, some counties continue to have high trap numbers. These ... ending May 12 th. Counties with high averages included Defiance (9.8), Hardin (8.7) and Van Wert (8.6) ... the next 28 – 35 days. Counties with high trap numbers should plan to scout for BCW larvae after corn ...
