
Search results

  1. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    “Identifying Soil & Terrain Attributes that Predict Changes in Local Ideal Seeding Rate for Soybean”.  ... insecticide drift samples during corn planting with Harold Watters at OSU Extension. Between that research and ... academia? I had been on the fence between Extension and industry career paths, and I realized in the early ...

  2. New Exhibitors Join Line-Up for 2023 Farm Science Review

    Emily Bennett LONDON, Ohio (Aug. 16, 2023)- More than 50 companies will join the ranks as ... harness the power of over 800 species of soil microbes to build soil health, increase yield, reduce ...

  3. CFAES Crisis Rapid Response Team receives Spirit of the Land-Grant Award for work in East Palestine

    review the Norfolk Southern remediation plan for soil testing and provide comments to the Ohio Department ... soil and into surface water.  “We’ve been told to evacuate, but where can we take our livestock?” was ... soil-sampling protocols and interpretation of results. provide mental health support and resources. evaluate ...

  4. Reid Gohmann

    Research Focus: I study plant-interactions between the model plant  Arabidopsis thaliana  and the pathogen  ...  causes disease in the host plant by determining what plant proteins it targets. This involves testing ... interactions between AvrE1 and putative plant target proteins as well as generating  Arabidopsis  plants mutant ...

  5. In-Field and Edge-of-Field Conservation Practice Field Day

    session will discuss soil conditions and management, including soil sampling recommendations for high ... excess soil P. Our keynote speaker will be Kevin King, USDA-ARS Research Lead and Agricultural Engineer, ...

  6. Pandemic prep needs ‘smart surveillance’ to predict viral spillovers

    high-risk human-wildlife contact, on the front lines of disease emergence from the community to country ... threats – working across disciplines and administrative barriers at all levels to understand and address ... links between animal and human health and the environment.  Ohio State University virologist and ...

  7. National Day of Racial Healing

    Increasingly, using multilevel/hierarchical modeling to explore both individual-level and group-level dynamics ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future announces youth engagement app

    Margo Overholt-Seckel Beginning in October, Ohio middle- and high school-aged youth will have the ...

  9. Difficult Conversations: Communicating Effectively Across Difference

    is very different from you and didn't know how to approach it? Conversations between people with ...

  10. Ohio State receives $2.5 million to improve nutrition and physical activity

    the High Obesity Program (HOP), which, in Ohio, will be led by Ohio State University Extension, the ... social ecological levels to address a broad range of economic, environmental, and health conditions.” ... announce this new HOP funding to land-grant universities in communities with high rates of obesity,” ...
