
Search results

  1. Staff Spotlight: Dr. Brooklyn Wagner

    central campus and attended St. Francis DeSales High School. She received her BS, MS, and PhD from the ... between the Department and the College and hopes to facilitate bi-directional collaboration between the ...

  2. Resources for Student Parents

    categories of involvement with corresponding services dependent on the level of participation. To find out ...

  3. Wine Grapes

    potential vineyard site.  Have your soil tested for soil pH and nutrient levels.  Most grape cultivars ... of high elevation and well-drained soil may be a good place to start.  Get a soil map of the ... the soil does not drain well, tile drainage between rows will need to be installed.  Typically, 4” ...

  4. Friday Deadline for Colvin Scholarships

    Friday, April 29).  Students could win between $1,000 to $7,500. Certified Angus Beef has more than ... $50,000 to give and they look to give scholarships to each deserving student who applies. You can find the ...

  5. TAG Farms Employment & Internship

    leadership positions. Their 27 stall barn boasts of a friendly atmosphere between staff, boarders and horses! ...

  6. OSU students take home first and third place at the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    presentation on “Effects of Branched-Chain Volatile Fatty Acids at Different Levels of Rumen Degradable Protein ...

  7. $2M grant awards to fund two meaningful aquaculture projects

    national level over the past 20 years. This success can be attributed to the efforts of their aquaculture ...

  8. STEAM students enjoy a day at South Centers

    projects including long cane raspberry production, tabletop-grown and high tunnel strawberries, hops, and ...

  9. February BIYC: Line Dancing! + special guest...

    5:30-7 in the Animal Science Building arena! All skill levels are welcome and refreshments are provided. ...

  10. Local FFA Chapter Brings Home the Bacon through ARCOP Grant

    school. While Mrs. Wallace and the other ag educators at Graham High School and Hi-Point Career Center ...
