
Search results

  1. Scholarship Opportunities

      April 1- Due to the Extension Office by 4:30 pm $100 scholarship for two recipients Criteria:   A high ... $500 each for high school seniors or a person in post-secondary training who is still in 4-H.  How to Apply: ... public safety.  BCTA offers $500 scholarships for high school students who are enrolled in programs at ...

  2. Llama and Alpaca Resource Handbook

    and including everything in between. This book needs to be purchased only once. Use with 132 Llama and ...

  3. Goat Resource Handbook

    taking a goat project, starting with breeds, ending with careers, and including everything in between ...

  4. Fluoride

    to promote dental health. HEALTH EFFECTS If levels are below 0.7 ppm please consult your dentist or ... 4.00 mg/L mg/L ppm Inorganic trace constituent MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Fluoride ... optimum level of fluoride in drinking water has been a range of 0.7-1.2 ppm and in Ohio the recommended ...

  5. Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater–Disinfection to Protect Public Health (PDF)

    carried out through soil. Some wastewater goes through a disinfection process before being irrigated.  ...

  6. Pantry Panic

    Pantry Panic This advanced-level project is for community-minded youth who want to take a step ...

  7. Look Great for Less

    Look Great for Less In this advanced-level project, members are challenged to use creativity and ...

  8. Horse Training: How to Talk to Your Horse

    behavior and how to use it to create a good relationship between horse and rider. Basic Horse Training ...

  9. Your Thoughts Matter: Navigating Mental Health

    questions and more. Intended for advanced-level youth who are interested in learning more about mental ...

  10. Late Summer Establishment of Perennial Forages

    6.0 or above. The minimum or critical soil phosphorus level for forage legumes is 30 ppm Mehlich-3 and ... for grasses 20 ppm Mehlich-3. The critical soil potassium level is 120 ppm for most of our soils ... increases the risk of soil crusting. Follow the "footprint guide" that soil should be firm enough ...
