
Search results

  1. Spring Workshop: Gardening at your Doorstep- Medina, Ohio

    Medina County Master Gardener Volunteers present this workshop covering how to simplify your garden, growing herbs, and using hostas in container gardening.  ...

  2. January Franklinton Friday- Cat-stravaganza!- Columbus, Ohio

    In honor of the annual Franklinton Friday Cat Show, join us at STEAM as we host a series of OSU micro-lectures along with activities, create your own art, food, fun and more. In addition, the Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research and Education (CH ...

  3. Technological Change in Crop Yields

    subpopulations of the yield distribution. By doing so we can test some interesting and previously untested ...

  4. AEDE Participation in Western Regional Science Association meeting in Hawaii

    High-Tech Employment Growth in U.S. Counties," which he co-authored with Belal Fallah and Dan Rickman. ...

  5. Alumni Career Management- Branding Yourself For Your Next Opportunity

    Are you interested in learning how to network with employers effectively? Have you wondered how to navigate applicant tracking systems? ...

  6. Addressing Water Quality in Agriculture: Institutional Aspects and Prospects

    non-point sources. The latter are the primary interface between farms and water in this country today. The ...

  7. Improving the Farmland Policy Options for Ohio Local Government

    public interest in retaining open lands. Between these extremes, and the few who espouse them, are ...

  8. Lambing & Kidding School- Marion, Ohio

    Speakers will include Dr. Michelle “Mitch” Michalak, co-owner of Maria Stein Animal Clinic. Dr. Mitch has experience raising Angora goats and Shropshire sheep. She will provide insight for “Obstetric & Care of Newborns”. Jacci Smith, Delaware County O ...

  9. Agricultural Lender Seminars Featuring AEDE’s Douglas Southgate and Barry Ward Begin This Week

    align with high priority topics that lenders are currently facing. AEDE faculty members Douglas ...

  10. 2019 Greenhouse Management Workshop

    This two-day workshop is for commercial growers, and the focus this year is on root zone optimization.  ...
