
Search results

  1. Pease Dissertation Defense

    219 Hi Jim,   I would like to reserve room 219 on Tuesday, April 12 between 9 am and 1 pm for my ...

  2. Summer Food Safety

    cook food for finishing later because you increase the risk of bacterial growth. Use crock pots, ...

  3. Choosing a milkweed species for your garden

    appreciates a dry sunny location and does well in our alkaline soil. The flower clusters are bright orange to ... the soil is not wet. If you buy live plants from a nursery, try to get small ones as larger plants are ... are held upright on the plant. This is a good plant for wet, even mucky, clay soil if there is ...

  4. Consumption Of Dairy Products

    declined from 4.6 to 2.1lbs. per capita.  The largest increases in consumption between 1980 and 2013 in ...

  5. $6.5M Grant for Bioenergy and Biofuel Research

    and the U.S. Department of Energy to test and expand a university-developed technology that can ...

  6. Maintain Grain Quality in the Bin

    problems.  Questionable grain due to high levels of broken grain, fines, foreign material, or mold should be ... leveled flat for most efficient aeration.  If the core grain is found to be containing fine and foreign ...

  7. Farm Day 2017

    practices, and much more! This event is free. Please call Butler Soil and Water Conservation District ...

  8. Overholt Drainage School

    downloaded from the soil and water management section of the Agronomic Crops Team website: ... Larry C Brown, professor and Extension agricultural engineer is director of the Overholt Drainage ...

  9. 2017 Webinars- Profiles in Service

    between the two departments. Restoration efforts focus on removing invasive and exotic species and ...

  10. Engineer's Week Kickoff Event

    140 The College of Engineering is hosting a webcast that they need 40-50 engineering students to ...
