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Using Virtual Reality to Promote Farm Safety
determine if the roll-over scenario was treated like a real life example, or if the tractor operators felt ... on the east side of Kottman Street, between Friday and Land Avenues. The tent will offer educational ... operation,” said Pfeifer. “Between the virtual reality experience and our farm safety hazard hunt, our tent ...
Tips for Spring Application of Manure
Liquid manure acts just like water! Through gravity, water and manure move downward through the soil ... profile following a path of least resistance. Liquid manure moves through deep cracks in the soil, root ... increases in preferential flow occurrences: excess precipitation, saturated soils, excessive manure ...
Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density
levels, associated with stress, increased while growth hormone levels, associated with milk production, ... question is: At what level does stalking density have a negative impact on cow health and milk production? ... Is there an acceptable level of overstocking? Research that has been done on stalls per cow reveals ...
Thoughts from the Director
particular, should reflect the updated county-level public health advisory system, available here. ...
Consider Dietary Changes to Take Advantage of High Milk Protein Price
unfortunately reduces fat yield. Because of the high price of milk protein, consider increasing starch ... product needs to be considered. Because of the high value of milk protein, increased emphasis should be ... Highly digestible protein supplements with the proper balance of amino acids are not cheap, but with milk ...
Corn Silage Harvest is Imminent
study, 82% of the hybrids tested exhibited a poor relationship between kernel milk-line stage and ... content provides high quality preservation, resulting in good animal performance and lower feed costs. ... intake. Harvesting too dry (high DM content) promotes mold development because the silage cannot be ...
Feeding for Milk Components: Brief Overview
testing herds were probably colored breeds, but breed cannot account for all the high testing herds. The ... milk with greater than 4.1% fat and 16% of herds sold milk with less than 3.4% fat. Some of the high ... yield. At the highest corn silage concentration tested (75% of the forage as corn silage and 25% as ...
Extension Email Builder Module Now Available
Learning and Organizational Development unit site, Operations unit site, and the program area state-level ...
Update on University Approach to Reopening Sectors (OSU Extension Clarification)
at the university level that it is safe and appropriate to do so sooner. We will, however, work ...
Manure Spill Prevention
application. These spills are the result of surface runoff or rapid movement through the soil profile and into ... fertility level. Improper storage management includes not monitoring storage closely enough, resulting in an ... failure to exercise reasonable care or maybe even knowingly increasing the risk of a manure spill. This ...