
Search results

  1. Estimating Manure Phosphorus Excretion by Dairy Cows

    milk P for each group. For example, Group 1 has 100 cows with an average intake of 50 lb of DM, the ... Group 1 is (50 lb of DM/2.2) x (0.38 x 10) = 86.4 g (86.4/454 = 0.19 lb). Milk P per cow for Group 1 is ...

  2. When is the Best Time to Market Cull Cows?

    the best time to market a cull cow is when the cull cow market is at its high point. In the cattle ... market, like all markets, there are highs and lows throughout the year, and numerous factors exist which ...

  3. September Dairy Judging Update

    were they the 1st place team (by 36 points), they also all placed in the top 10 overall high ... team was 5th in reasons, and the “Gray” team was 4th overall, as well as being high in the Milking ...

  4. Youth, Work & Money

    during all 4 years of high school and beyond about their work experiences. -Working can be good for youth ...

  5. Dairy Youth Compete in Events During the Ohio State Fair

    Skillathon participants were tested on their knowledge of nutrition and feeds, genetics and pedigrees, ...

  6. Chow Line: Pre-cut Melons Tied to Multistate Salmonella Outbreak

    become contaminated. For example, if animal feces are in the field or soil in which the produce is grown, ...

  7. Dealing With Stress

    help with excess stress in life.  When our bodies don’t have the nutrients they need, our energy levels ...

  8. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Becoming an Ohio AgrAbility Client

    AgrAbility is to offer resources and education to all farmers on how to reduce the risks of injury and ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Volunteer & Teen Conference

    Volunteer Conferenc at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio and then ...

  10. Level 2 Serv Safe exam

    For more information CLICK HERE. ...
