
Search results

  1. LOOK to Ohio achieves Signature Program Status

    experiences in potential employees. High school students in Ohio are getting a jump-start through their ...

  2. Stakeholder Perspectives on the Bioeconomy

    for the event, which is $50 and includes lunch, is open to the public and the media. A mailable ...

  3. Let's talk about hidden bias: CFAES Community Dialogue is Nov. 20

    "Detecting hidden bias,"   HR Magazine. "Test yourself for hidden bias,"   Teaching Tolerance ...

  4. Deadline to Register for Mindful Extension Series

    stress-levels Fee includes a set of guided mindfulness practice tracks and 1 yoga video to aid in daily practice ...

  5. Top 10 Peace Corps' List: The Ohio State University

    Ethiopia as an education volunteer since June 2015. Doss, of Aurora, Ohio, teaches English to high school ... the entire top 25 rankings for each school size category  here. 40-year high in applications This ... year’s rankings follow a  40-year high  in applications for the Peace Corps in 2015. This record-breaking ...

  6. LeJeune working with U.N. to combat antibiotic resistance

    items. The Ohio State team is working on developing new diagnostic tests and surveillance methods and is ... different levels of adopting programs to control antimicrobial use in agriculture, he said. He expects to ...

  7. Best Practices for Retaining Nutrient and Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce

    Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce Few farmers' market consumers are aware of how to retain optimal ...

  8. Communiqué May 22, 2013

    releases endorphins. Endorphins have been linked to the same kind of high produced by morphine! (And they ... support partnerships between OSU Extension and another Ohio State department to broaden the University’s ... can make the difference between the success and failure of a group. Did you know there is an art and ...

  9. County Centennial Celebrations

    Each county is encouraged to hold Smith-Lever Centennial celebrations at the local level. You can ... Extension in Your County Iowa has compiled a list of 100 ways to celebrate Extension at the county level ...

  10. Master Gardener Training

    cover the entire MG training manual. A requirement upon completion of the course is 50 hours of ...
