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  1. Home Horticulture Series

    "Fresh From Your Family Farm" Edible Gardening presented by Pat Greeson, Natorps Soil ...

  2. Just Prices: Government Intervention in Agricultural Prices in Karnataka

    limited. ABSTRACT: High growth in agriculture enabled India to achieve much needed self sufficiency in food ...

  3. Jaguars in North America

    the jaguar, dated between 40,000 and 11,500 years ago, have been discovered in the United States, ... prey. Jaguars have been found at elevations as high as 3,800 m, but they typically avoid montane forest ... and are not found in the high plateau of central Mexico or in the Andes. Substantial evidence exists ...

  4. AEDE Sophomore Todd Peterson Wins Ohio FFA Star Farmer Award

    Peterson started his project in high school with farming 45 acres of wheat in partnership with his father ...

  5. Container gardening using Strawberry Jars

    house under a shade tree.  Fill the pot with a good quality potting soil.  One that contains ... a good idea to keep the soil loose and breathing (this is important for good root growth and for water ... take a little practice but basically you just need to create an opening in the soil, add the plant, and ...

  6. Farm Law Workshop Series

    exposure on your farm and strategies for reducing liability risk) All workshops will take place from 7--9 ...

  7. AEDE Undergraduate Scholarship Competition

    over $50,000 in scholarship money each year to the department's undergraduate students. The ...

  8. Student Builds Connections at Women in Agribusiness Conference

    me and excites me and for what is to come,” said Zwick. "Between sessions on ag innovation, ...

  9. AEDE Senior Haylee Zwick Chosen to Attend Prestigious USDA 2018 Agricultural Outlook Forum

    on grain prices and how to utilize that information to make smart decisions and mitigate risk in ...

  10. Swank Program Research Finds that Ohio’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Environment Lacks Dynamism

    national Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI). Though small businesses with fewer than 50 employees ... manufacturing with a high concentration of large employers which have been shown to crowd out and depress small ...
