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  1. Got Concerns? Dairy Scholar Extols Nutritional Virtues of Milk

    to kill harmful bacteria, the process requires a high-pressure treatment, Jimenez-Flores said. He is ... working on a proposal to investigate high-pressure homogenization as well. While the research is ...

  2. Employers on Campus (EOC)

    Company is one of the largest agricultural processors in the world. Serving as a vital link between ...

  3. Farm Science Review: 'Breaking new ground'... while flying above it

    From teaching techniques to help growers improve water and soil quality to helping farmers and ... Review. "How do we protect the soil, how do we improve water quality are just some of the issues ...

  4. Ohio Maple Days

    Association; Free testing of hydrometers, refractometers and Vermont Temporary Maple Syrup Grading Kits. (bring ...

  5. Ohio Maple Days

    Association; Free testing of hydrometers, refractometers and Vermont Temporary Maple Syrup Grading Kits. (bring ...

  6. Ohio Maple Days

    reports from OSU Extension and the Ohio Maple Producers Association; Free testing of hydrometers, ...

  7. I, Eco-Bot: 4-H holds STEM program

    Baldwin Road Junior High School, took the Eco-Bot Challenge. Then they met with Ohio State engineering ... McClaskey, Ohio 4-H Youth Development program coordinator, pilot-tested the experiment at 4-H camps and other ...

  8. Nestle Nutrition Industry Information Session

    analytical methods development, and sensory testing. Interns will work under the supervision of an ...

  9. Introductory HACCP

    Policy Cancellations must be received before January 16 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 ...

  10. Ms. Hiam S. Desouky Passed Her Defense and Received Her Ph.D.

    a joint Ph.D. training program between the OSU South Centers and Benha University in Cairo, passed her ...
