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  1. Endeavor Center wins Ohio State’s top outreach honor

    Engagement Award: Ohio Books for the World Nearly 50 years ago, Herb Ockerman was on an academic trip to ... research projects have been funded and are building bridges between scientists from Ohio State consortium ...

  2. Garcia and Fogle Receive Honorary State FFA Degrees

    Ohio State University since February 2015. Dr. Garcia is highly involved in presenting at workshops, ...

  3. Dairy Judging: Coach Spike

    Duane Moff (High Team in Reasons)   1985 Brian Garrison, Amy Sherman (King), Sherry Glenn (Smith), Mark ...

  4. Seminar: Jerad Jaborek

    – Effects of energy source and level, sex, and maturity on growth, carcass and meat characteristics of ...

  5. NEW Scholarship Program with Farm Credit Mid-America

    year agriculture related degree program within the next year, or pursuing a graduate level agriculture ...

  6. Animal Sciences Evening of Excellence

    25-, and 50-year dairy, livestock, and meat judging teams. A social followed the recognition of teams ...

  7. MedTech for Solutions

    communication skills and a desire to follow protocol is necessary. They are seeking a highly motivated, ...

  8. Scholarship Program with Farm Credit Mid-America

    degree program within the next year, or pursuing a graduate level agriculture related degree. • Must be ...

  9. Senior Animal Welfare Auditor

    talented people to help in the mission to deliver a high quality, safe and wholesome pork product to ...

  10. OSU CVM Parasitology Laboratory Assistant Internship

    have the chance to see what is expected of an individual at the professional level. This is a unique ...
