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2014 North Central Regional Aquaculture Conference Presentations
Decision Process for Individuals, Robert Rode Hybrid Aquaponics: Commercial Viability with High Density RAS ...
Ohio farmers’ markets increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) redemption by offering incentives
on Saturdays, we have a couple of people who split their mornings between us and Worthington FM, ...
Student-designed, built ag rescue trailer to be unveiled at Farm Science Review
Farm Science Review's 50th anniversary, a collection of tractor seats spanning many years will be ...
Undergrad Awards 2010-2011
Ritchter International, a food quality testing laboratory, turned into full-time employment Racheal Pack, ...
Qu publications
author) and T. Jack Morris (2000). HRT gene function requires interaction between a NAC protein and viral ... contact hemolytic activity test for detection of invasivety of Shigella spp. (in Chinese). Chinese Journal ...
Welcome to our New 4-H Families!
more likely to exercise and be physically active * Report better grades and higher levels of academic ...
Yes, we can: 'Interest is exploding' in gardening, food preservation
ensure a high-quality, safe product that they and their family can enjoy. Video (9:20): Linnette Goard ...
Tanzanian Women Seek to Shape the Next Generation of Extension Agents
to climate change are considered, this number assumes an even greater level of significance. Ms. ...
Ohio State Alumni Association Supports Sokoine University of Agriculture’s Drive to Build Stronger Alumni Relations
between SUA faculty and faculty from participating U.S. universities. Mr. Gurd was introduced to SUA ...
Integrated Disease Management Helps Ohio’s Grape Industry Thrive
grape growers can successfully produce high quality, profitable crops by following an integrated disease ...