
Search results

  1. Strawberries

    system, but new cultivar testing  (including day-neutral and everbearing cultivars), new season extension ... and overall plant growth. (2) Testing of new strawberry cultivars, including day-neutral and ... Testing of day-neutral and everbearing summer and fall fruiting season extension growing techniques will ...

  2. A Dose of Safflower Oil Each Day Might Help Keep Heart Disease at Bay

    high levels of this protein increase the risk for a heart attack. The researchers had documented in the ... previous study that safflower oil also lowered fasting blood sugar levels by between 11 and 19 points on ... problems that foster plaque buildup in arteries, insulin resistance or glucose intolerance and a high level ...

  3. Stewart's Wilt Predicted Low Risk

    tracked to determine the risk level of the disease. Researchers recorded a flea beetle index of 91 in ... "We say this because the mortality rate of the flea beetle is high where the flea beetle index is 90 ... in Ohio, is predicted to be of low risk for most of the state this growing season.   Pat Lipps, an ...

  4. Precision Agriculture

    Global Positioning System (GPS), guidance systems, plant and soil sensors, soil sampling, yield mapping ...

  5. Success Stories

    we trained teachers in the methodology who will then train high school students. The MEP also ... sponsored a Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt training for high school students in the Engineering Technology ... workshops. We completed these workshops in September 2021 training and certifying 23 high school students as ...

  6. Individual Studies in Agriscience Education

    student. Prereq: CPHR 2.50 or above, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or ...

  7. Individual Studies

    student. Prereq: CPHR 2.50 or above, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or ...

  8. Individual Studies in Community Leadership

    student. Prereq: CPHR 2.50 or above, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or ...

  9. Design of Agricultural Water Management Systems

    FABENG 5730 Use of soil physics, porous media flow theory, soil-plant interactions, hydrology, and ...

  10. Individual Studies

    not included in regular course work. Prereq: CPHR 2.50 or above, and permission of instructor. ...
