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Communiqué May 8, 2013
Families at Risk) grant we just received from the USDA. Our vision for this five-year project includes ... between parents and their adult children and grandchildren and issues of inheritances. Not only have ...
2012 Award Winners
file containing high resolution images and captions for newsletters and newspaper articles. To save the ...
Communiqué February 6, 2012
maintain high levels of clientele support. If you are planning a levy ballot sometime in the future, this ... inspirational construct and enrichment through high energy, interactive and substantive breakout sessions, ...
Communiqué February 20, 2012
the 13 high-trust behaviors that Covey discusses in the book. I believe trust is SO important to ... level. We have a wide range of previous personal experience in county offices (including some other state ...
Communiqué October 12, 2012
Extension function, please e-mail Dr. Smith (, use the subject line “Dean McPheron event ... This library contains thousands of searchable, high-resolution photos available for download to your ...
Communiqué October 23, 2013
using input from more than 50 residents and 15 businesses that will guide the planning efforts of the ... provides insights into the differences between certainty and clarity. He addresses some of the challenges ... make the difference between the success and failure of a group. Did you know there is an art and ...
Communiqué October 10, 2011
scenarios we were planning for last year when we thought we would receive extreme state budget cuts of 10% to ... staffing has still been challenged at the state and local level by the budget restrictions and other items ... password change is being managed by the Office of the CIO at the University level, questions about changing ...
Communiqué January 30, 2013
enough to start, you will.”-Stephen King, author “Get moving. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. ... the leadership of OSU Extension, support partnerships between OSU Extension and other departments at ... highly competitive; in some cases, partial funding for a proposal may be possible. Coca-Cola Critical ...
Communiqué June 6, 2012
a PowerPoint presentation that provides helpful hints to form tri-state teams. Up to $50,000 will be awarded to ...
Communiqué August 28, 2013
commissioners to develop a utility-scale solar farm. The initial level of interest was low to moderate. However, ... residents have concerns about property values, visual impacts and noise levels. Meanwhile in eastern Ohio, ...