
Search results

  1. Cover Crop Considerations

    ryegrass, are typically fast to establish and can provide soil coverage to reduce erosion. Some species ... the soil.  Because precipitation and temperatures can be variable this time of year, the use of ...

  2. Prevent Plant Acres and Cover Crop Options

    The USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) issued a rule exception on June 20 that allows a forage ...

  3. Rededication Ceremony and Field Day

    is holding a rededication ceremony and field day in honor of its 50th anniversary. Hours are 2 to ... neighbors of the station and others, as we celebrate 50 years of agricultural progress in Noble County.” For ...

  4. Poultry & Rabbit Clinic

    help!  We are in need of both adults and high school kids!  If you are willing to help please email me at ...

  5. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    daily.  I plant mine in 14-inch clay pots because these geraniums grow large. I use fresh potting soil ... the soil on top is dry to the touch. Stressing them slightly by watering only after the soil has dried ... them in a row, and I only plant ones with red blooms.  These large plants often grow 18 inches high and ...

  6. Sami Khanal

    (e.g., crop and soil health, biomass, water quality, greenhouse gas emission) under various land ...

  7. Fragrant Plant from Madagascar Holds Promise for Mosquito Control

    up to test a bark extract from a small, fragrant tree native to Madagascar and found that it has ...

  8. Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center

    seed germination, testing, x-ray analysis of seeds, seed cleaning, and seed storage in a 30x30 ft ...

  9. DLS Helps to DIY

    from the great outdoors which can strongly improve both mood and energy levels.  Considering that, lets ...

  10. Jared Morrison

    we don’t risk losing it? Once we have the final times, I can update you if you would like. Jared ...
