
Search results

  1. O yes! Great job prospects for CFAES grads

    agricultural degrees (2.4 percent).  "We have always had high involvement from agribusiness and seed-based ...

  2. 2010 American Phytopathological Society

    A bacterial pathogen uses distinct type III secretion systems to alternate between host kingdoms.  VALDIR R. ... of Rhizoctonia damping-off in lettuce.  F. BAYSAL-GUREL, S. A. Miller. Relationship between grain ...

  3. Are All Grow Lights Created Equal?

    each seed catalog delivered to my home, it inches my excitement level to begin spring up just once more ...

  4. Miller lab intro

    vegetables" grown on muck soils, including lettuce, radish, parsley and onion. Our program encompasses both ...

  5. Wily coyotes are howlingly faithful: Study finds 100 percent monogamy

    even though the coyotes exist in high population densities and have abundant food supplies, which are ...

  6. Ohio State Names New VP for Agricultural Administration

    nation's land-grant universities.  A highly respected scholar, McPheron is known globally for his research ...

  7. Student-designed, built ag rescue trailer to be unveiled at Farm Science Review

    Farm Science Review's 50th anniversary, a collection of tractor seats spanning many years will be ...

  8. Undergrad Awards 2010-2011

    Ritchter International, a food quality testing laboratory, turned into full-time employment Racheal Pack, ...

  9. Welcome to our New 4-H Families!

    more likely to exercise and be physically active *  Report better grades and higher levels of academic ...

  10. Qu publications

    author) and T. Jack Morris (2000). HRT gene function requires interaction between a NAC protein and viral ... contact hemolytic activity test for detection of invasivety of Shigella spp. (in Chinese). Chinese Journal ...
