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  1. Extension landing page

    Corn Performance Test Sampled for Nematodes (P. Thomison) > Extension News Nematodes in Corn Could ... to Managing Disease, Achieving High Yield (A. Dorrance) > Extension News Soybean Disease ID ... available online: > Gibberella Ear Rot and Mytotoxins in Corn: Sampling, Testing and Storage  (pdf) The ...

  2. Nagendra Subedi Subedi, N. 2009. Use of Biorational Products for the Control of Diseases in High Tunnel Tomatoes ...

  3. Global Climate Change Policy: Extractive Industry Impacts and Response

    regional levels, often in collaboration with the larger business community and environmental NGOs, is based ...

  4. Douglas Wrenn Awarded Prize for Best Grad Student Paper in Regional Science at the WRSA 2013 Annual Meeting

    research on land and housing markets to understand how micro-scale interactions between policy and ...

  5. Conflict over Cooperation: Why So Much Disagreement over the Proposed Dairy Market Stabilization Program?

    prices when feed costs experience an adverse shock. Volatile and high feed costs are likely to be the ...

  6. Growth and Change: Closing Ohio's Knowledge Worker Gap to Build a 21st Century Economy

    a high state and local tax burden, fragmented local govern-ance that blunts the competitiveness of Ohio‘s ...

  7. Thompson Teaches at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania for the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI)

    facilitates and funds collaborative research on food security and nutrition between faculty from the project’s ...

  8. AAEA Poster by Graduate Student Jian Chen: Joint Liability Group Credit Linked with Index Insurance: A Dynamic Game Framework


  9. Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2008-2009

    Ohio cropland values show signs of falling slightly while cash rents show signs of leveling off or ...

  10. THE 2010 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY USED FARM MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SURVEY: U.S. Farmers’ Attitudes and Opinions about Sales via Auction, Dealer, Classified Ad and the Internet

    used FME is crucial asset on many farms throughout the U.S.. Second, the quality of used FME is highly ...
