
Search results

  1. NRDT Site Tour Opportunity

    from the "tunnel" at Lane & High, and from the central walkway through north campus- ...

  2. Aquaponics workshop… What a thumbs-up experience!

    Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC) program event. This workshop brought together around 50 new and advanced ...

  3. Endeavor Center Achievements

    more than 1,300 high-skill, high-wage jobs, adding more than 115 million dollars of direct economic ...

  4. The 2017 Master Urban Farmer Graduation

    In November, we celebrated the graduation of 53 individuals from our 2017 Master Urban Farmer program, with Teresa Gottier, a former Master Urban Farmer student, who has become a teacher and leader in urban farming delivering the ceremony's address. ...

  5. 2017 Columbus Urban Farm Tour

    Join us on our two remaining Columbus Urban Farm Tours! Our next tour will be Sunday, August 20. The Columbus Urban Farm Tour will be at  Over the Fence Urban Farm. Our last tour will take place on Saturday, September 2, at the  Jedidiah Farm and Studio   ...

  6. Team Academic Resources

    North Central Risk Management Education Center (pre-proposal mid-Dec, full proposal end of Feb) North ...

  7. The Benefits of 4-H Summer Camp

    4-H members and non 4-H members.  The cost is $150 for 4-H members and $155 for non 4-H members.  The ...

  8. Sustainable aquaponic vegetable and fish co-production in Ohio

    systems are maintained at plant and fish population levels recommended for maximum yields. This article ...

  9. GSO Luncheon

    have a student luncheon in there, so it is not a high priority.  If other people would like to schedule ...

  10. Ohio & West Virginia Food Hub Network Learns from Central Ohio Produce Companies

    high quality and safe produce throughout aggregation, processing and distribution.     The Ohio ...
