
Search results

  1. Price to complete internship with COBA/Select Sires

    communication. She is the daughter of Bruce and Brenda Price and a graduate of Wellington High School. The ...

  2. Shoup completes internship with Ohio State ATI

    daughter of Dean and Susan Shoup and a graduate of Orrville High School. The agricultural communication ...

  3. Mac Ware helps win BETHA Endowment annual grant competition!

    supports projects that examine the complex relationship between science and technology on society and ...

  4. BNRC Gathering of Men 2015

    worked to support state-level child advocacy organizations.   In addition to working for the Annie E. ...

  5. Faulkner completes internship with National FFA Organization

    a graduate of Urbana High School. The agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares its students you to ... acquire a license to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, ...

  6. Construction Management Competition Teams

    competitions are for students at all levels of familiarity in construction management, with some competitions ...

  7. Kick – Off Event with OSU EES and FLOW!

    levels have revealed a lot of trash and debris. OSU’s Ecological Engineering Society and the Friends of ...

  8. King recognized as CFAES Outstanding Senior

    of the CFAES Ambassador Team, Alpha Sigma Upsilon sorority, Crops and Soils Club, Saddle and Sirloin, ...

  9. Whittington receives national teaching award

    This award recognizes Dr. Whittington for her international level of commitment, excellence, and ...

  10. Emerald Ash Borer Video Wins Entomology Outreach Award

    the ash tree genome to a football playbook and used a clever analogy between facing an unknown, ...
