
Search results

  1. The Taste of Fairfield County Agriculture

    visiting your local food market. Tickets for this event are FREE and available at OSU Extension, Soil and ...

  2. Level 2 Serve Safe Training Exam


  3. Emeritus Profile: Ron Borton

    test to the department secretary to type and copy instead of doing it all yourself." And there are ...

  4. CD Wire- May 15, 2012

    Friday: “We have received 252 questions [over the past month], with a 50% increase in question volume over ... include: Create Transparency- Behavior #3 of High-Trust Leaders Research in View/ OSU:pro Update OSU CARES- ... services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through ...

  5. Late-Planted Corn: Risk of Frost Injury?

    Growers with corn planted in the late May to mid-June time frame are wondering if the crop will mature before frost injury.  Our summer temperatures were on the cool side, leading to fewer than expected growing degree days (GDD’s).  Peter Thomison, OSU Ex ...

  6. Laser Beam Automatic Grade-Control System

    operator using a sight bar with a series of targets place at 50 to100 foot intervals. Now, continuous ...

  7. CD Wire- April 30, 2013

    Organization: Millennials in the Workplace  - Online Seminar May 21: Millennials were born between 1980 and ... peers. Members of this high-achieving generation want to immediately make an impact in their careers and ... make arrangements to stay overnight on the 26th somewhere between the two locations. The CD chat page ...

  8. Level 2 Serve Safe Training Exam


  9. Fall Herbicide Application for the 2017 Soybean Crop

    200,000 seeds so it has a high reproductive capacity.  We are also discovering that larger marestail ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- July 15, 2013

    came together in teams to craft three high-quality proposals for submission. Proposals selected for ... Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change- July 19: The USDA invites you to participate in ... for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change. This webinar is open to the public and is ...
