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  1. Effects of Flooding and Ponding on Corn

    respectively, at a low nitrogen fertilizer level (50 lb N per acre). At a high level of nitrogen (350 lb N per ... the duration of flooding and air/soil temperatures. Prior to the 6-leaf stage (when the growing point ... is near or at the soil surface), corn can survive only 2 to 4 days of flooded conditions. Once corn ...

  2. Wheat as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    habit: 3–4 feet Preferred soil pH: 6.0–7.5 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop wheat. Heat tolerance ... ¾–1½ inches 50–90 lb./acre (pure live seed) Broadcast with shallow incorporation 55–90 lb./acre (pure ... Performance Dry matter = 2,000–5,000 lb. per acre, per year Biomass quantity is highly dependent ...

  3. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Bush Honeysuckle

    carbohydrates it lacks the high-fat and nutrient-rich content that most of our native plants provide migrating ... the plants, the size of the infestation, and a landowner's comfort level with the control method. ... vigilant. Mechanical control alone is usually not a completely effective method of controlling medium to ...

  4. Blackberry Production Systems in Ohio

    production systems are: rotatable cross-arm trellis (RCA TM) hedge row in open field high tunnel ... Cross-Arm (RCA) System The rotatable cross-arm trellis (RCA) system is considered a high-input, high ... disadvantages to the RCA system: high costs of establishment steep learning curve high labor requirement The ...

  5. Leaf Blotch Diseases of Wheat—Septoria tritici Blotch, Stagonospora nodorum Blotch and Tan Spot

    conditions with temperatures between 50° and 68°F (15° to 20°C), whereas warmer temperatures between 68° and ... a soil test. Adequate amounts of N, P, and K should be applied at planting to insure good seedling growth ... windy weather prevails during mid to late spring, losses can be as high as 20 to 30 percent. The ...

  6. Urban Coyotes: Conflict and Management

    a medium-sized member of the dog family, which includes wolves and foxes. With its pointed ears, slender muzzle, ... population growth in high-density areas. Why are Coyotes Living in the City? Residential areas provide ... rarely, medium-to-large dogs. Dogs are usually attacked when they are not accompanied by people, but in ...

  7. Herbicide Resistance in Waterhemp

    population tested for presence of resistance   University of Illinois, $50 per field Use a combination of PRE ... genetic variability results in a relatively high frequency of mechanisms that can impart resistance to ... a population to an herbicide, increasing the risk of failure the next time that herbicide is used. Figure 1. ...

  8. Strategies to Minimize Spray Drift for Effective Spraying in Orchards and Vineyards

    without air-assistance, nozzles producing very fine or fine droplets have a high-risk of producing drift ... however, poses a relatively low risk of injury to nearby sensitive crops compared to the physical movement ... publication (FABE-525) “ Effect of Major Variables on Drift Distances of Spray Droplets.” The risk of drift is ...

  9. Annual Ryegrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    inches Preferred soil pH: 6.0 – 7.0 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop annual ryegrass. Shade ... tolerance Very good Flood tolerance Very good Winter survival Winter hardiness varies between varieties. ... Performance Dry matter = 1,000 – 4,000 lb. per acre, per year Biomass quantity is highly dependent ...

  10. Gray Leaf Spot of Corn

    states. In spite of its relatively high prevalence, it rarely reaches high levels of severity early enough ... the soil surface. In late spring, in response to warm temperatures and high humidity, conidia (spores) ... when highly susceptible hybrids were planted, conservation tillage practices become widespread, and ...
