
Search results

  1. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 22- Demo Plots at Farm Science Review

    these plots between R1 and R3. This field has some variability caused by the early season water logging. ...

  2. Look Out for Nitrogen Loss Due to Heavy Rains

    N fertilizer was applied recently in such fields, especially without incorporation into the soil, there is high ... in Corn from Recent Storms Determine N in the soil: Pre-Sidedress Nitrogen test (PSNT) can be done to ... N would be needed in this article: Estimated and Soil Test Methods to Determine Supplemental N need after ...

  3. Corn Fungicide Trials

    more effective against tar spot and should be applied between VT and R3 in a high disease environment ... scouting knowledge to the test and look for the following three foliar diseases: Gray leaf spot: symptoms ... conditions and high relative humidity in the canopy. Tar spot:   this relatively new foliar disease prefers ...

  4. Jim Ippolito

    Jim Ippolito Professor, Rattan Lal Endowed Professor of Soil Health and Soil Fertility 412C ...

  5. Wet Weather, Potential Wheat Harvest Delays, and Grain Quality

    bu/acre, and DON level increased by 0.86 ppm. These reductions in yield and test weight and increase in DON ... sprouting (high enzyme activity) and low grain quality. For more information on a common test to measure FN, ... While vomitoxin contamination is generally higher in fields with high levels of wheat scab, it is not ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-38

    the harvested grain. Thus the 150 bushel corn crop would move soil test level approximately 3 ppm ... some indication of the amount of fertilizer needed to change soil test levels 1 ppm for both P and K. ... substantially reduces yield, or where we have high soil test levels due to past practices, and want to know how ...

  7. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 21- Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus

    Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and Growing Degree Days (GDDs) from ...

  8. Farm Science Review Agronomy College Sept 10

    Participants will rotate between sessions throughout the day. Sessions are listed below and will be presented ...

  9. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 4- Chilling Injury

    conditions using some lab experiments. We planted soybeans into field soil (starting at 20% or 60% available ... 50°F or 35°F, cut the emergence totals in half. Application of ice after planting was less damaging to ... less) compared to those planted at the normal depth of 1.5-inch when the soil was drier (20% available ...

  10. Testing person page

    This is a test person listing page. ...
