
Search results

  1. G. Kaletunc

    219   Jim: Please reserve Room 219 and 245 for me on the dates below between 6-8 pm.    Thanks. ...

  2. FABE Seminar

    on April 5 between 1:30 PM and 3 PM. I also would like to have the same room reserved from 10 AM till ...

  3. Graduate Student Organization

    Our purpose is to provide an organized outlet for communication between graduate students and ...

  4. Educational Collaborative on Sustainable Environmental and Agricultural Management

    offered through E-extension professional training web-site.  Impact:   The high priority courses and ...

  5. Spring into good health!

    looking at the calories in a food.  Just remember to keep eating a variety of foods, balance between the ...

  6. Fall for Pumpkins

    high for about fifteen minutes or until tender. To boil the pumpkin, cut the pumpkin into large chunks ...

  7. Consider Temperament When Making Culling Decisions

    confinement of the chute.  Exit velocity and pen scores were highly correlated.  As pen scores increased, so ... that there is a highly significant effect of temperament ranking on average daily gain.  Animals ...

  8. Grain Bin Safety News

    /on-us-farms-deaths-in-silos-persist.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 VIDEO: ...

  9. Sprayer Cleanout

    operator that sprays a lot of acres or switches back and forth often between crops, the extra cost may be ... inches away from the end cap.  The dead space between the last nozzle and the end cap is a prime site for ...

  10. The Butler County Sharpshooters 4-H Club is in its 26th year!

    a counter) position on the 50 foot range while our instructors and older members help them. They are doing ...
