
Search results

  1. Wood Destroying Insect Inspection

    also be provided at the training course. Pass the core test and category 12 test Complete this ... mandatory course The test will be offered upon completion of the course. You may take the test before taking ... Class Adjourns & Testing Available for Core and Category 12     Recertification Credit: Applicators ...

  2. Ezeji Awarded NSF Grant

    chemicals often exert toxic effects on microorganisms at high concentrations. Butanol is one example of ... this. It has excellent properties as a transportation fuel. At high concentrations, it poisons the ... bacteria to withstand high concentrations of butanol. Undergraduate and graduate students will receive ...

  3. Academic Advising Appointment Leads to Establishment of Wounded Warrior Project OSU

    always been very passionate about our U.S. military. At the end of my high school journey, I was torn ... between the military (Air Force) and college. Because I had received a full scholarship to livestock ...

  4. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    other prizes given to the first 50 participants. In addition to the walk, OSU Extension will recognize ...

  5. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    other prizes given to the first 50 participants. In addition to the walk, OSU Extension will recognize ...

  6. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    other prizes given to the first 50 participants. In addition to the walk, OSU Extension will recognize ...

  7. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    other prizes given to the first 50 participants. In addition to the walk, OSU Extension will recognize ...

  8. Congratulations

    determine if stand-up desks help increase student energy levels, cognition, memory and focus. Sandra ...

  9. Ezeji Awarded NSF Grant

    chemicals often exert toxic effects on microorganisms at high concentrations. Butanol is one example of ... this. It has excellent properties as a transportation fuel. At high concentrations, it poisons the ... bacteria to withstand high concentrations of butanol. Undergraduate and graduate students will receive ...

  10. 2019 Buckeye Bonanza and Open House

    The 12th annual Buckeye Bonanza Horse Sale had a record year. The high seller was Nitas Last King ...
