
Search results

  1. Hoey completes internship with ADM Grain

    daughter of Ben and Kelly Hoey and a graduate of Zane Trace High School. The community leadership major ...

  2. Wippel holds internship with Ohio Farm Bureau

    Westfall High School. The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares students to plan, ...

  3. Four putative constitutive resistance genes against the emerald ash borer found in Manchurian ash

    section, yet black ash is highly susceptible to the emerald ash borer.  This contrast provides an ...

  4. Seven ACEL students selected for AZP

    principles by developing high standards of scholarship, leadership, character and a spirit of fellowship ...

  5. Ohio Plant Biotechnology Consortium Annual Meeting

    the potential of Soil-Borne Wheat Mosaic Virus as a potential virus-induced gene silencing vector in ...

  6. Biotechnology Camp for High School Students

    Apply to be a part of this FREE camp for high school students here. ...

  7. ASABE Attends National FFA Convention

    high school FFA students to plan and prepare to be agricultural and biological engineers.   ...

  8. Professional Development Night

    a very exciting one, and we are looking forward to the partnerships between the students, faculty, and ...

  9. Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    banding or injection of nutrients; high clearance applicators for N; starter options on planters, and ...

  10. Tagged to Teach Ag Day

    other universities and high schools across our country. The Department of Agricultural Communication, ... Education, and Leadership will host high school students who feel they have been 'tagged' to teach ... high school agriculture to visit campus and learn more about our agriscience education program. ...
