
Search results

  1. National Sheep Sales Heading to Ohio

    sheep is high and the state of Ohio sets midway between East Coast and Western Cornbelt breeders who ...

  2. Dairy Judging

    Sunday, January 17.  The team finished 2nd in the Jersey breed and Ella Jackson was 5th high individual ... overall.  She also placed in the top 5 in two breeds, as well as 3rd high individual in reasons.  With 14 ...

  3. Recently Published / Presented

    Chung HY, Choi YJ, Park HN, Davis ME. 2015. Associations between genetic variants in the promoter ... and others. 2015. INVITED REVIEW: Evolution of meat animal growth research during the past 50 years: ...

  4. Pets 4 Life website emerges from the classroom

    another level. They created a website as an educational tool about pet ownership for Ohio State students. ...

  5. 2018 Dairy Science Hall of Service

    Principles of Agribusiness Marketing; AEDE 4002: Quantitative Analysis for Agribusiness; a graduate level ...

  6. Remembered

    a brief hospitalization. A 1947 graduate of Central High School, Grace was an active member of ...

  7. The Vet Clinic in Worthington

    5617 N. High Street Worthington, OH 43085. ...

  8. Fellowships for Undergraduate STEM

    language study at the college level. Summer 2018 fellowships are expected to cover $5,000 in tuition and ...

  9. Equine Program

    breeding lab, and classroom with seating for 50 students. There is also a large outdoor arena and several ...

  10. Student Participants and Visitors Enjoy the Processed Meats Product Show

    between people trying the product and my peers and I. A wide range of people showed up to try the ...
