
Search results

  1. MarketMaker links producers and potential buyers

    increase of more than 150 percent since 2000.  Direct-to-consumer agriculture sales produce $1.2 billion in ...

  2. 4-H Horse Bowl/ Hippology/ Judging Clinic

    individuals only, NO TEAMS. All levels of experience are welcome.   Primary Contact: Dr. Kimberly Cole Animal ...

  3. Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification and Fertilizer Certification

    certification is needed if you apply commercial fertilizer (not manure) to more than 50 acres.  Fertilizer ...

  4. Registration Now Open for Wayne County 4-H Junior Camp

    exploration, swimming, water games, scuba diving, archery, riflery, mountain boarding, high ropes courses, ...

  5. Dairy Conferences Provide Learning Opportunities

    Dairy Production Economics Wading through a sea of numbers: How to evaluate a feed lab test: Bill Weiss, ...

  6. Harmony Farms Open House

    controlled by temperature and temperature and humidity.  The high air speed directs the water over the cows ...

  7. South Centers Synergy:Pumpkin Power

    research since 1998. His research identifies top-performing pumpkin cultivars with highly marketable traits ...

  8. Ohio State University Extension Addressing Nutrient Management Issues in the State

    building better models to predict nutrient runoff. In my lab, which focuses on agronomic soil fertility, we ... strengthen the research findings from farmers’ fields. In addition, numerous county educators conduct soil ...

  9. Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) BEST Program

    head). This Novice sponsorship will be awarded to a maximum of 50 Novice participants for this year’s ...

  10. Dairy Cattle Lameness

    density is too high, access to freestalls is limited and timid cows spend more time on their feet, have ...
