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Recently Published / Presented
a highly focused view of a particular discipline or specialty.”____ Caetano-Anolles K, Seo M, Rodriguez-Zas ... 50(10):965-76. ...
DeBruin Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame
teachers, so Don Myers, Principal of Amanda-Clearcreek High School, asked Steve to attend a summer program ... committed to agriculture, driving 50 miles each way to school so he could continue a cow-calf and farrowing ...
Harstine & Cruppe Honored at CFAES Alumni Awards
between his research program and Select Sires. The research and coursework I completed at OSU, in ... straight from high school to the Vet School (5-year program), no need for a bachelor's program. How ... collaborative research projects between OSU and Select Sires helped me find my job. With that research, I got ...
Livestock Judging: Coach Turner
Bob Agle Third High Individual North Central, Third High Individual North Central Evaluation, Fifth ... High Individual Eastern National, tenth High Individual, Quarter Horse Congress and the National ... Contest. Steve Beanblossom Sixth High Individual Quarter Horse Congress. Dave Jelley Fourth High Individual ...
Transitional Produce and Flower Farm Tour
improvements including her greenhouse, high tunnel, irrigation system, and more. Registration: To register for ...
Deadline: Academic Enrichment Grants Applications Due
partners. The competition will award grants between $500 and $8,000. The deadline to apply is Friday, ...
Premier Dairy Heard Manager Position
including holidays. This includes all aspects of high quality animal care, communicating facility repair and ...
Clover 5K
50-59 60 and over. Packet Pick-up: Packets will be available Thursday and Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 ...
Nutrition Assistant Position
considered an entry level position, they expect to provide extensive on-the-job training in dairy nutrition, ...
DIY Food Gifts (Making Flavored Vinegars and Spiced Apples)
high-quality homemade food gifts: Wednesday, December 6- Making flavored vinegars Wednesday, December 20 ...