
Search results

  1. Agersens to Work with Ohio State to Test eShepherd in US Beef and Dairy Industries

    Agersens and the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that paves the way for the two organizations to implement research trials to determine the efficacy and economics of the eShepherd ...

  2. Recently Published / Presented

    other factors affecting risk of intramammary infections at calving. Paige N. Gott*, Päivi J. ... Huyen Tran*, William Weiss, Galen Erickson, and Phillip S. Miller Soil contamination in forages: ...

  3. Grad Travel Funding

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Professional Growth Scholarship, from OARDC. $500 (50 ...

  4. Dairy Cattle Lameness

    density is too high, access to freestalls is limited and timid cows spend more time on their feet, have ...

  5. Butler County Local Foods

    know about the product he was selling.  Today’s shopper wants to purchase high quality local foods.   ... know that the combination of nutrients and phytonutrients likely play a role to reduce the risk of ...

  6. In search of the 2014-15 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen…

    between the ages of 17-21 who are involved in the industry to consider applying for this position. This is ...

  7. Testen Awarded U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Grant

    developing methods to improve soil health and tomato disease management in the Morogoro Region of Tanzania. ...

  8. Computational Biology Faculty in Food and Nutritional Metabolomics

    and modeling is essential.  Integration with other high-throughput disciplines and omics data is ... highly encouraged.  Knowledge of targeted and untargeted metabolomics with a strong interest in ...

  9. Personal References

    remember when choosing references are: Plan to acquire between three and five references for a job ...

  10. Silage Pile Management And Safety

    because of the buddy rule could mean the difference between life and death. Use proper removal or ...
