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  1. Introduction to Food Science Essentials (Online Course)

    technology. The course allows and encourages collaboration between participants and provides an outstanding ...

  2. Quality Assurance Test Out Option


  3. USAID’s Global Food Security Program names two CFAES graduate students Borlaug Fellows

    Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania, will continue his research on sustainable intensification for improving soil ... soil quality indicators. With Dr. Miller serving as lead PI of the International Plant Diagnostics ...

  4. Tri-State Diversity Conference

    sense of humor, Dr. Greenfield has become a highly requested presenter across the globe. Capnote ...

  5. Strengths-Based Management and Supervision Workshop

    ability to build their work team by selecting the right person for the right position, set high ...

  6. Butler County Local Foods

    know about the product he was selling.  Today’s shopper wants to purchase high quality local foods.   ... know that the combination of nutrients and phytonutrients likely play a role to reduce the risk of ...

  7. Bioprocessing Research Lab- People

    structure and function in composts and amended soils; engineered processes for efficient conversion of dairy ... Aminocyclopyrachlor and Clopyralid herbicides during the process of composting and tested the effects of these ...

  8. Ningxia University administrators visit Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    jobs and ascended to the highest levels in their fields.” The visitors also enjoyed a presentation on ...

  9. Testen Awarded U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Grant

    developing methods to improve soil health and tomato disease management in the Morogoro Region of Tanzania. ...

  10. Milking Excellence

    High quality milk is dependent upon a properly functioning milking system.  The system should be ...
