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  1. Farm Day 2017

    practices, and much more! This event is free. Please call Butler Soil and Water Conservation District ...

  2. Nature Workshop

    Teaming with Insects: Level 1 Professional(s):   Mark Badertscher, Patty Cribley,  and John Mueller RSVP ...

  3. Spotted Wing Drosophila Remains a Concern for Area Fruit Growers

    test on healthy berries every 5-7 days to determine if they have an infestation. If adults or larvae of ... Below is a brief video explaining the Salt Water Test for SWD Larvae in Fruit ...

  4. ATI alumnus selected as nationwide Teach Ag ambassador

    social media, presentations and other various outlets. The demand for agriculture teachers remains high ... education. He is the son of Christopher and Christine Brown and a graduate of Edgerton High School. The ... science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, with extensive training in agricultural ...

  5. Lamb MQP, Finished Lamb Weigh-in

    the Fairgrounds with their MQP lamb and a completed and properly signed DUNF form between 12:30 and ...

  6. Update from Dr. Boone

    Operations and Design.  This office is highly involved with capital projects on our campus.   8. Planning for ...

  7. Dairy 101: Introduction to Dairy Processing and Management

    Policy Cancellations must be received before September 25 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 ...

  8. A Witness to the Birth of Ohio State ATI

    Shirley Brooks-Jones is held in high regard by many in the College of Food, Agricultural, and ... between Wooster and Columbus and the Sundays she frequently spent in the office catching up, Shirley ...

  9. Mosquito Control Can = Disease Prevention

    take the virus from the human carrier and pass it on through its bite to other humans. Thus, the risk ... several weeks, but factors such as rain, high temperatures or exposure to strong sunlight may reduce their ...

  10. Southwestern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    the program is $50 and will include a continental breakfast, buffet lunch and a USB memory stick ...
