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  1. Consider Temperament When Making Culling Decisions

    confinement of the chute.  Exit velocity and pen scores were highly correlated.  As pen scores increased, so ... that there is a highly significant effect of temperament ranking on average daily gain.  Animals ...

  2. Sprayer Cleanout

    operator that sprays a lot of acres or switches back and forth often between crops, the extra cost may be ... inches away from the end cap.  The dead space between the last nozzle and the end cap is a prime site for ...

  3. The Butler County Sharpshooters 4-H Club is in its 26th year!

    a counter) position on the 50 foot range while our instructors and older members help them. They are doing ...

  4. Fun and Easy Activities for Spring and Summer

    activities are enjoyable and low-cost. Spending time with family does not have to come with a high price tag; ...

  5. 2017 Buckeye Shepherd Symposium

    experience level of sheep producers.  The theme of this year’s program is “Improving Profitability of the ...

  6. Meet Dylan Beam: Biological Engineering Major and Undergraduate Researcher

    friends, they’d tell you he’s always tapping. Back in high school, he played lacrosse. He carries his love ... career. His interest in neural prosthetics stems from his junior year of high school, when he saw a video ...

  7. FEH (Fundamentals of Engineering Honors) EOY Cookout

    "high-bay”) and high-volume grill for an end-of-the-semester celebration and cookout on Monday, April 25 from ...

  8. 2017 Wayne County 4-H Legacy Dinner

    Certified Angus Beef and Gerber Poultry Tickets $50 / person (Adults Only) Additional event sponsorships ...

  9. Farm Science Review to be held September 16-18

    soil pit, riparian forests, dry hydrant and much more. The Gywnne also has an all-season log cabin ... displays. Meetings between Kottman and Maxon soon involved Ray Mattson of the Columbus Tractor Club, Thomas ...

  10. 2018 Small Grains Field Day

    choose between one of two afternoon sessions.  Session A will focus on wheat variety development, current ...
