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  1. We Advance Careers

    alumni $50,638 average starting salary for undergraduate alumni ...

  2. Zoller and Barrett Named to Interim OSU Extension Positions

    professionals Eric Barrett and Chris Zoller to state-level interim positions. Barrett will serve as interim ...

  3. Ohio State Maple Syrup available

    level is not always clear,” Karns said. “Maple sugaring, done properly, is as sustainable a practice as ...

  4. Spring, summer temps increase risk of heat illness

    you’re at a higher risk for heat illness, which can come on suddenly with many people unaware they’re in ... why they’re unwilling to acknowledge the risk of heat illness include, ‘I don’t need a break,’ ‘I need ...

  5. Apply to Ohio State ATI — for free!

    ATI. Between now and December 15, 2023, you can submit your application at absolutely no cost! ...

  6. Wilkins named a top Ohio leader

    named one of Ohio's top 50 women leaders in 2023 by Women We Admire, an organization of the most ... industries, women hold high-ranking positions across various Ohio sectors including government, education, ...

  7. BroadbandOhio awards Ohio State $125,000 for agricultural connectivity project

    Sherrie R. Whaley BroadbandOhio has awarded $125,000 in grants to help establish high ... a drone, a high-clearance robotic irrigation system, and wireless communications options for connecting ... 1 million Ohioans do not have access to high-speed internet. Without this connectivity, the potential to use ...

  8. Ohio State Agronomic Crops Team helps growers deal with problem beans

    reporting various issues since the first soybeans were planted due to cool and wet soils that caused the ... soil and plant samples to help diagnose issues such as soybean disease, abiotic stress, and soybean ... cyst nematode. The team also looked at weather records and other factors such as soil compaction that ...

  9. New climate mesonet up and running soon

    weather conditions such as temperature, wind, relative humidity, rainfall, soil temperature, soil ...

  10. Our Faculty and Staff in the News

    Agricultural Hall of Fame; and president of his temple, which serves 50,000-plus members of Ohio with a regular ... ideas reflected in the department’s mission statement: to ensure a balance between the wise use and ... woodlands they manage. The partnerships David has built between Extension and other state organizations and ...
