
Search results

  1. Ways to Give

    outreach. Gifts may be made outright or in memory or honor of others. Contributors at this level are ...

  2. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Tiffany Wild

    level,” said Wild. “Their public speaking and presentation skills are typically light years ahead of their ...

  3. Adventure Central is the place to be!

    collaboration between Five Rivers MetroParks, Ohio 4-H youth development, and Ohio State University Extension ...

  4. Holmes Wage & Benefit Survey Project

    questions that appropriately reflected wage and benefit levels for occupational categories within six ...

  5. Margaret Jodlowski

    labor market opportunities, immigration policy, demand for Federal crop insurance, on farm-level ... production and financial decisions. Another major strand of her work looks at the relationship between ... managing environmental risk, production risk, and financial risk; for example, she has a project that looks ...

  6. Foundation grants make camp possible

    in April. A result of a unique partnership between Hocking College, Soil and Water Conservation, the ...

  7. Join 4-H

    membership, regardless of grade level. Membership requires enrollment in an authorized Ohio 4-H club or group ...

  8. Student Assembly and Trainings in January

    be held on Thursday, January 11, 2024, with time slots at 1:50-2:50pm or 4:10-5:10pm.  Attendance is ...

  9. Corinne K. Lee

    Senior Award Recipient Reception Poster (.pdf)  Membership in the Crops and Soils Club at Ohio State ... involvement with the Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (SASES)—the  undergraduate ... program of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of ...

  10. Conner M. Johnson

    with various fungi, collecting innumerable soil samples, and running experiments in the field and greenhouse to ... Lal’s Soil Physics Lab focuses on changes in soil carbon and water-related soil properties relative to ... I learned a whole lot about soil and climate change, and it sharpened my interest in soil health. Working in ...
