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  1. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    plants can occur at temperatures below 46 F. Colder soil temperatures also result in more calendar days ... needed for emergence as early-season emergence is controlled by soil-accumulated growing degree days ... consider planting as soon as soil temperatures are predicted to remain at or above 46 F. Also, consider ...

  2. Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly in Grape Production

    grape yield. High densities of spotted lanternfly (>50 SLF per vine) result in reduced clusters per ... experiencing high traffic should be carefully monitored for the presence of SLF. Vineyards near transportation ... corridors and/or areas with a large proportion of SLF host plants may be at a higher risk for SLF ...

  3. Pivot Bio

    having a 3 bu/ac spread between some treatments, due to high variability in the field as a result of ... uncontrollable factors, no statistical difference was seen between treatments.  For inquiries about this project, ...

  4. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    considered a statewide risk, though abundance may vary greatly across different habitats. Life Cycle, ... with high leaf-litter coverage, but may also include your own backyard, especially shaded areas of ... Lyme Disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)— ...

  5. Pigweed Identification Guide

    distributed hair on the stem and a more highly branched flower. Pigweed species inhabit agronomic crop fields, ... are between 2 and 3 inches in height, and many herbicide labels require control by 4–6 inches in ... distinguishing between these species (Figures 1 and 2). Reproductive Stages and Life Cycles Reproductive ...

  6. Certified Crop Adviser Exam Online Study Course

    areas of nutrient management, soil & water management, pest management, and crop management are ...

  7. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 8- Bean Leaf Beetle

    defoliation levels ranging from 5% to 50% (Soybean defoliation Final.pdf ( Comprehensivley sampling ... their preferred host plant. Early planted soybeans therefore have a higher risk for feeding damage from ... adults will feed on the soybean and lay eggs in the soil. Scouting and Management Early season, our main ...

  8. Potassium

    recommended potassium levels may be influential in glucose control and the risk of diabetes. Potassium ... indicates increasing potassium creates a protective effect against hypertension (high blood pressure). The ... muscles contract—including your heart—and helps with nerve function. Consuming a high potassium diet has ...

  9. Production of Other Small Grain Species

    160   Rye 30 45 60 Soil   Test   Value Annual   Recommendation  (lb P2O5/ac) lb  P/ac ppm       30 15 ...    -------------CEC--------------------------CEC--------------------------CEC------------- Soil   Test   Value 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 lb  K/ac ppm-----------------------------Annual    ... Recommendation    (lb    K2O/ac)---------------------------- 50 25 150 190 230 160 195 240 165 255 300 150 75 75 ...

  10. Soil Terminology and Definitions

    of soil antecedent biological activity. A high BR generally indicates higher soil microbial activity, ... accumulation in the soil. This index can be used as an early and sensitive indicator of carbon or soil organic ... and macropores leading to soil compaction and decreased soil organic matter levels. Soil compaction ...
