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Sustainable Plant Systems
crop production, agroecological management, soil science, plant pathology, integrated pest management, ... biology, crop production, grain crops and forages, soil science, plant pathology, and entomology. ... and cities. Students learn to manage and maintain turf as they gain knowledge in plant biology, soil ...
to comply with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods Rule. More ... controlled environments (greenhouses, in-door farms, high tunnels, etc.) to reduce microbial food safety ...
Conservation drainage – a showcase at the Ohio State Lima regenerative agriculture farm
the main purpose of drainage was to get rid of excess water from soils, today’s farmers need to ... of Land Improvement Contractors of America (OLICA) and their industry partners, and the Allen Soil ... and learning, and community engagement and is a great marriage between ecosystem and humans working ...
Food Safety Graduate Courses
concepts and procedures and tools for establishing quality control programs to produce high quality safe ... health significant microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa) from water, air, soil and food, and their ... graduate-level course is designed to introduce students to research study design and data analytic methods ...
Continuing Education for OSU Extension Professionals
Training-Directions [PDF ] OQC Pre-test [DOC ] OQC Pre-test Club [DOC ] OQC Post-test [DOC ] OQC Post-test Club [DOC ] ...
CFAES Student Council
from all CFAES student organizations. The group communicates between the administration, staff, alumni, ...
Norovirus: You do not want it
proximity to one another, due to colder weather. Norovirus is a highly contagious virus most commonly ... spread. Additional resources to learn more: ... ...
Partners gather for Trimble Technologies Lab ribbon cutting
such as machine guidance control and steering in the classroom, as well as field leveling and water ...
Soil & Manure
soils as a growing medium Click here to learn more ... Soil health is of key importance to agricultural systems. FABE Extenstion educators specialize in ... techniques such as no-till, composting, and manure management to ensure that soil on Ohio farms provides the ...
Partners Gather to Kickoff Pilot Watershed Project
quality changes in a productive agricultural watershed. The project will evaluate soil health, nutrient ... Bowling Green State University will lead research to examine soil health in the watershed and identify ... project. Doug Deardorff, resource conservationist with Hardin Soil and Water Conversation District serves ...